Wanda Abel
Realtor Associate, GRI, CNE, ABR
(713) 824-7625
​B.S. Education, Texas A&M University, Gig Em!
Licensed Realtor since 2015
Graduate Realtor Institute (GRI)
Certified Negotiation Expert (CNE)
Accredited Buyer Representative (ABR)
Certified Home Marketing Specialist (CHMS)
Multi-Million dollar producer
Wanda's Story...
Wanda earned a bachelor's degree in education from Texas A&M University in College Station. After graduation, she spent 14 years in flight service, with American Airlines, where she learned the value of excellent customer service for a business to thrive. Her entrepreneurial spirit, led her to purchase a franchised store called Orange Leaf Frozen yogurt in 2011. During that time of ownership, Wanda managed all phases of the business, in the store. Throughout her time, working with young adults, she learned the importance of patience, excellent communication and the art of being flexible!
Wanda joined Better Homes and Gardens - Gary Greene, in 2015. She loves learning and teaching others about real estate. Her goal is always to thoroughly educate her clients so that they have the information needed to make wise decisions regarding the sale and purchase of homes and/or investment properties.
Wanda believes it is important to have Faith, Character and Integrity and to be passionate about family, friends and business. Sharing life, via a relationship with Christ and others is what defines her life. She was very fortunate to marry her high school sweetheart and is blessed with 3 beautiful daughters. They have also been extra blessed being able to open up their home to 2 young ladies through the foreign exchange program, Guilia from Italy and Borsi from Hungary, who they consider as their adopted daughters.
Wanda loves supporting causes that provide opportunities for people to have a better life, such as Running for Greater Things and Our Daughter's House, which supports families wanting to adopt and assists girls that have aged out of the adoption system. Living Water International, a non-profit, whose mission is to drill fresh water wells in under-privileged countries and Pine Cove camps for youth and families to strengthen their relationships with each other and Christ.
The above life experiences have prepared Wanda to be a trusted advisor and advocate for clients in real estate and beyond. Her business is powered by purpose, YOU!